

UI Design


Type of project

Team Project


Our objective was to create a banking application with a showcase site.

We wanted to get out of traditional banking codes in order to reach our target: people who are afraid to use their banking application and don't know much about it.

To achieve this goal, we designed colorful and illustrated interfaces using warm visual representations and clear explanations.

Moodboard, colors & typography

To define the graphic design of our application, we started by making a moodboard to define the universe we wanted to move towards.

We then defined our color palette, our typography and the logo.

Components, spacing & layouts

We have created our components in an atomic way for the desktop and mobile screens in order to move on to the design of the interfaces in a third step.


  • A tagline that clearly explains our concept with an emphasis on "everyone".

  • A clear navigation with a call-to-action for creating an account.

  • Cards that clearly explain the different offers of the bank with the associated benefits.

  • Customer testimonial videos to help potential customers to identify and find the offer that best suits them.

  • Avoid long and boring texts.

  • Several things to open, unroll or hover to offer a pleasant and playful experience, a more attractive discovery of the offers.

Mobile app

What have I learned?

  • I was unfamiliar with auto-layout before this project. It was the opportunity to learn how to master it and since then my life is much easier!

  • I knew about atomic design but had never really practiced it. This was the opportunity to do so.

  • I've always been used to working alone on UI Design projects. This was the first time I worked with someone else and it was challenging. We had to learn to work in tandem and it enriched our project.

