

UX Design


Team Project

Type of project


We were a team of four students passionate about reading and fond of small local bookshops.

As part of a UX Research class, we had to choose a profession and meet people who practice it, in order to ask them about their daily work.

Our common passion for reading put us in agreement to go and meet booksellers.

Our missions were :

  • To go and meet the booksellers

  • To better understand their work

  • To identify the issues and problems of their job

  • To discover the daily life of a bookseller


During our interviews, we met very different profiles.

While some had lost their passion for reading and books by becoming booksellers, others had, on the contrary, reinforced this passion by trying to transmit it to their customers.

Despite these divergent profiles, they nevertheless encounter the same problems such as communication, sales, customer contact, orders, etc.

Of all our interviews, we decided to stick with the co-founder of Ici Librairie, an independent bookshop in the heart of Paris.

For her, the job of a bookseller is above all a job of facilitator and merchant. It's about organizing meetings between communities of readers and authors.

Thanks to this interview we were able to retrace her daily life, between meetings with customers or with representatives of publishing houses, the administrative tasks and logistics of her bookshop.


Experience Map & Opportunities

We have described a typical day with an experience map.

This allowed us to have an overview of the day, as well as the emotions experienced during the different stages, and to detect those that caused the most problems or those that, on the contrary, were positive in our persona's day.

From these elements, we were able to highlight opportunities.

After discussions and debates of the team, we have chosen the following opportunity:

“How could we attract more people to literary events offered by bookstores?”


Once the problem was chosen, we brainstormed on it in order to identify the essential features for the production of an MVP.

The main features for events are:

  • Create

  • Keep in draft

  • Publish

  • Delete

And for future developments:

  • Send notifications to event participants

  • Multi-organizer

  • Ticketing system

  • Private feedback system

Once our features and pages were well defined, we moved on to their design. The wireframes allowed us to validate the content, the interactions and the user flow.

Features focus


First scenario

  • Do you have any particular comments on the screens you have viewed? Which ones?

  • What do you think of the schedule management display?

  • Do you find the tags relevant?

  • Do you find the creation phase exhaustive?

  • What do you think of the visuals, are they to your taste?

  • Did you feel drowned in a flood of information?

  • What do you think of the use of such a tool in a real situation?

You are already registered on a platform that allows you to manage your events. You wish to create an event at 16 place de la Bourse from November 27 to 29. Log in and complete the information about the event.

Second scenario

  • Did you find the event you needed quickly?

  • Did you find the event modification intuitive?

  • Did you find event editing easy?

  • What do you think of the information available on the event dashboard?

  • Do you already feel confident in creating and managing new events without the need of a tutorial?

Donato Carrisi informs you that he will not be able to be present on November 29 as originally planned. Please modify the event and make sure that it takes into account this change.

On site

Once armed and prepared to carry out the user tests, we were able to go back to the bookstores to submit our interfaces, collect their first feedback, and validate or invalidate our designs.

During the tests, we follow the protocol while adapting ourselves to the user thanks to active listening in order to capture a maximum of data allowing us to improve our product afterwards.

What have we learned?

  • Going out and interviewing people was a new exercise for our team, and leaving our comfort zone and going beyond our apprehensions (shyness for example) was very formative.

  • They are in the best position to tell us about their problems or, on the contrary, about what makes them happy. Having a panel of different feedbacks helps to have different points of views and to imagine afterwards what could make their life easier and solve one or several problems of their daily life.

  • This is a little anecdote: when it was time to test our prototype, we decided to call the bookstore when it opened to see if it would be possible to welcome us again to do a test. Unfortunately, the news was not so well received because of a lack of anticipation on our side. But with some hindsight, apologies (and a false accusation of the teacher), we were able to complete some of our testing.



